American Red Flagtail (Wild Caught Peru River)
American Red Flagtail (Wild Caught Peru River)
The American red flag tail, also known as the flagtail prochilodus or kissing prochilodus, is a medium-sized, peaceful, omnivorous fish that is native to South America:
Appearance: The flagtail prochilodus is silvery with orange-red fins and a striped tail.
Size: It can grow up to 10.8 inches long and weigh up to 1.23 pounds.
Habitat: It is found in the Amazon basin, where it migrates in large groups to spawn in whitewater rivers.
Diet: It is omnivorous and prefers a varied diet high in plant matter.
Aquarium: It is a popular addition to large community tanks and can be a good dither for predatory fish or large cichlids. It prefers clean, oxygen-rich water with a moderate current.
Compatibility: It is fairly peaceful, but may nip at certain fish.
Algae eater: It can be a useful nuisance algae eater for larger aquariums.