Discus (Red) Mellon, White Face Red, RGD.
Discus (Red) Mellon, White Face Red, RGD.
Red discus fish, also known as Symphysodon discus, are a type of tropical fish that are popular in freshwater aquariums:
Red discus Fish are known for their vibrant red color and distinctive markings.
They typically grow to be 3.94–5.12 in (10–13 cm) long.
They are calm and have dedicated parenting techniques.
They can live up to 10 years.
They need a diet rich in vitamins, and beef heart can help with their coloration.
They are egg-layers that spawn on plants or rocks. However, breeding can be difficult because they choose their partners.
Water conditions:
They prefer soft, slightly acidic water with a temperature of 78.8–86°F (26–30°C) and a pH range of 4.3–6.
Tank size:
A minimum tank size of 50 gallons is recommended.
They are native to the Amazon river basin in Brazil.
They are a major industry in several Asian countries, especially Thailand.
Selective breeding:
They have been selectively bred in captivity to create unique markings and patterns that don't exist in the wild.